Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Goat's Horn Grass Libido Enhancer

Grass goat horn (horny goat weed) has long been known to have many benefits. Plants unique name used to arouse sexual desire, improve erectile function, relieve fatigue and reduce discomfort during menopause.
Although the workings of these plants can not be known with certainty but the horns of a goat grass plants have been proven to increase libido of men and women and to improve erectile function of men.
This plant is also known as epimedium Yin Yang Huo or growing wild, and most commonly found in high mountains.
Grass goat horn was first described in ancient Chinese medicine. Grass goat horn has held an important place in traditional Chinese medicine and is gaining popularity around the world.
This plant has been used by practitioners for over 2,000 years. The leaves of this plant contain a variety of flavonoids, polysaccharides, sterols and an alkaloid called magnaflorine.
"We all use epimedium for decades, and this is the very best sexual tonic for men and women," said Dr. Diao Yuan Kuang, as quoted from Discovery Health, Tuesday (06/01/2010).
Dr. Xiao Tong Kuang and Dr. Shen explained in clinical practice epimedium has been successfully treating erection problems and can restore a person's sexual power.
Medicinal herbs contain flavonoid compounds called icariin and have effects similar to Viagra. A study showed that the goat horns grass can increase testosterone and blood flow thereby increasing sexual pleasure and stamina.
To date there are no reported side effects except headache, dry mouth, nausea and thirst if excessive doses are used. However, if the doses used correctly, then the side effects will disappear by itself.
Herbal plants are widely sold in the herbal market in Bonzhou China, which has a history of more than 400 years in the case of commercial cultivation and trade of herbal medicine. Bonzhou city has also become home to the Chinese people to hold the annual festival of Chinese herbal medicine.
Grass goat horns are commonly found on Mount Tianmu, Zhejiang province. In this area all kinds of wild epimedium and is always there, this is because people just take the leaves and never take root.
In addition none of the people who use chemicals to these wild plants, so that the plants obtained are pure and clean from a mixture of chemical substances.

Go Green, How 'Green' Yourself?

The impact of global warming encourages environmentalists to call for a go green movement, or back to nature. Supports go green should also know what the return to nature.
Go green campaign raises many new terms that are sometimes not widely understood, such as 'organic food'. How 'green' you understand the terms go green?
Here is the meaning of some terms commonly used in the campaign go green, quoted from Discovery on Tuesday (01/06/2010).
Sustainable Practices (sustainable practices)Is a method to get food in a healthy and friendly for consumers, workers and animals, does not harm the environment, provide a fair profit for farmers, and supporting the empowerment of rural communities.
Fair Trade (trade fair)An offer of cooperation that enhance the health and welfare for farmers and their families, allowing for farmers to send their children to higher, and get the seeds for agriculture. Some advantages of fair trade co-operation is used for community projects, and sometimes toprovide training techniques of organic farming.
Raw foods labeled organic should not be grown with artificial fertilizers, chemical or residential waste, should not be genetically modified or exposed to radiation.
Organic meat or poultry must be fed with organic feed, must not be given antibiotics or hormones. Livestock must be given access to the outside cage, and ruminants must be found in the surrounding pasture.
Certified Organic (certified organic)This label indicates that an agricultural product processed according to standard U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Free Range (land which is free)This term is used for poultry that are not grounded and have direct access to the natural environment. USDA gives only the certificate Free Range on livestock and products (including eggs), whereas wild birds are not included in it.
Antibiotic Free (free of antibiotics)The label is given to cattle that have never received antibiotics during his lifetime. If anyone is sick, the animals are separated from and treated for compounds, but should not be labeled Antibiotic Free.
No Hormones Administered (without additional hormones)Cattle that received this label grow normally without being injected with any hormones.U.S. law prohibits the provision of hormones in pigs and poultry.
Pesticides / Pesticide Residue (pesticide residues)Pesticides are needed to expel various kinds of pests that exist in the cattle sheds such as fleas, cockroaches, rats. To some extent, pesticide residues in poultry products is still allowed.
Feng ShuiGeomantik China is a practice that aims to align ourselves with nature. In Chinese, the word feng shui means wind and water.
AcupunctureThe practice of Chinese medicine with sterile needles at specific points to relieve disease and pain.
HomeopathyIs an alternative medical practice that promotes harmony with nature. In principle, a disease can be cured by giving the toxins cause the disease itself in small doses.
NaturopathyAn illness which handling procedures as much as possible to avoid surgery and drugs.The media used can be water, air, sunshine and modern electronic equipment.
OsteopathyIs a system that bases treatment on the integrity of structural integrity.   
The pain can be obtained when a body part manipulated by drugs or medical procedures such as surgery, so it must be restored with a massage or other means.

Vegetable & Fruit At Most and Few Absorb Pesticides

In certain amount, the use of pesticides for fruit and vegetable crops can still be tolerated body. There are vegetables and fruits that are most prone to absorb pesticides, but there are also thick-skinned fruits and vegetables are less affected by pesticide contamination.
Fruits and vegetables are believed to be a healthy diet rich in fiber. But the latest health report actually found 67 types of pesticides that end up making fruit and vegetables 'dirty'.
Environmental Working Group, which is a U.S. nonprofit group that focuses on the issue, examining nearly 100,000 fruit and vegetables are thought to contain pesticides.This is to determine which fruits and vegetables that have a residual (waste) chemicals are hazardous.
The most feared are the fruits and vegetables called 'dirty dozen', which contains 47-67 pesticides per serving. This is food that is believed to be most vulnerable because it has a soft and thin skin, so it tends to absorb more pesticides.
Pesticides are chemicals used to control, refuse, lure or eradicate the pests, diseases and weeds that have no effect on the plant. Pesticides are often referred to as 'poison'.But many farmers who use pesticides to prevent damage or decay.
If too much exposure to pesticides, the pesticides can cause various health problems like cancer, ADHD in children, disorders of the nervous system and weaken the immune system.
"It's important to know what fruits and vegetables that contain a lot of pesticides," said Amy Rosenthal from the Environmental Working Group, as reported by CNN on Wednesday (02/06/2010).
Rosenthal also said that his group perform the testing of pesticides after fruits and vegetables are washed with high pressure water system with the USDA (USDA-power high pressure water system).
Here's the 'dirty dozen' or 12 fruits and vegetables that absorb most of pesticides:CeleryPeachStrawberriesAppleBlueberryNectarines (Peach)PaprikaSpinachCherryPotatoWineLettuce
While the layers of skin from fruits and vegetables that thick can prevent pesticide contamination. Fruit and vegetable group is nicknamed the 'Clean 15', ie having low levels of pesticides or even none at all:OnionAvocadoSweet cornPineappleMangoPeasAsparagusKiwi fruitCabbageEggplantMelon yellowWatermelonGrapefruitSweet potatoOnion

Anger is also Good for Health

Many people choose to hold his temper when you're experiencing something unpleasant for fear of being labeled as ill-tempered. But a recent study found anger canbe good for health.

Researchers from the University of Valencia in Spain interested in what happens to the human body when angry. And this finding appears to support the theory of generalpsychology which states that the 'ventilation' emotions better for mental health rather than letting it remain locked aka buried.

This study found that expressing anger can increase blood flow to parts of the brain involved with feeling happy.

To conduct this study, researchers gathered 30 people in a lab, slowly increasing the level of their anger and watched.

Heart rate, blood pressure and stress hormone levels of two participants, testosteroneand cortisol, measured everything. The brain is also in the screening, from the beginning to the end of the study.

The findings are already published in the journal Hormones and Behavior showed thatthe left side of the brain more stimulated when the participants are angry.

"Regional frontal left brain generally involved in positive emotions, while the right partrelated to negative emotions," said Dr. Neus Herrero, University of Valencia in Spain,who led the study, as reported by the Telegraph, on Thursday (03/06/2010).

Dr Herrero also said that anger can lead to major changes in the human body, whichcontrols the work of the heart and hormones. He showed that cortisol levels decreasedand increased testosterone levels.

In addition, changes in brain activity, especially in the frontal and temporal lobes.

However, the study found that anger can also have negative effects on the body, namelythe participants' blood pressure was increased when angry.

Terpapar Matahari Berbuah Sindrom Sunstroke

Perhaps someone more familiar with the disease because of the cold or hypothermia.But make no mistake, not just the cold that makes sick, exposed to sunlight or excessive heat (hipertemia) also can get sunstroke syndrome.
Sunstroke this syndrome can make a person could no longer feel the cold because it always felt his own body heat.
If this condition is not treated immediately, it could turn into a threatening and dangerous conditions for the person. Therefore one must recognize the symptoms of anything that marks this condition.
The human body consists of a thermostat that can regulate body temperature variations by controlling the heat supply from outside the body.
However, if excessive heat is received, then the body's cooling system can fail to work and it is this which cause sunstroke syndrome.
As quoted from eHow, Thursday (03/06/2010) a person who had sunstroke syndrome condition will have symptoms:
Sweating more than usual until it no longer sweating due to dehydration.The skin will look red, dry and hotAgency started shivering a little.
If these conditions continue to cause increased heart rate that makes a person dizzy, difficulty breathing, convulsions and even unconscious.
Before sunstroke syndrome arises, someone will feel the heat in the body that trigger fatigue and abdominal pain.
If this condition occurs you should immediately stop all activity and directly consume cold drinks or can go to a cool place and cool. Because if not handled promptly can result in organ damage and even cause death.
A person who is under the scorching sun for several hours without adequate fluid intake prone to this syndrome.
This condition can happen to anyone of any age, weight and gender. People who have the ideal body shape does not necessarily have a high immunity against this syndrome.
To avoid this condition, you should wear appropriate clothing for the summer, and try to consume a glass of water every hour if it should be somewhere hot for a long time and did not consume alcohol.

Higher Education Can Prevent senile

Symptoms of dementia such as memory loss will be reduced in people who take higher education. Spending time to read, explore books and prepare for the exam hasphysical benefits when older.

This study further strengthens the results of previous studies which have shown that higher education can help provide protection or against end-stage symptoms of an illness on the person.

In conducting this study, researchers from the University of Gothenburg in analyzing thepatient's spinal fluid to check for signs of dementia in the brain.

"We wanted to investigate how education can have an impact on a disease or the early stages of dementia. Based on this study found patients with higher education levels, able to tolerate more diseases in the brain and prevent the onset of dementia," said Dr.Sindre Rolstad, a psychologist Sweden, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday(03/06/2010).

In this study also found that highly educated patients had no risk of dementia showedsigns of better neural function in the brain, compared with lower educated people.

"These findings mean that higher education is not only able to tolerate more diseases in the brain, but also able to sustain a bit of nerve damage that occurs during the early stages of this disease," said Dr. Rostland.

These results indicate that higher education can delay the progression of symptoms of dementia and other diseases.

Disease or known as senile dementia is a condition indicating a progressivedeterioration of memory and intellectual processes of the brain. This condition is usuallycharacterized by symptoms of forgetfulness that can disrupt daily activities.