Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Higher Education Can Prevent senile

Symptoms of dementia such as memory loss will be reduced in people who take higher education. Spending time to read, explore books and prepare for the exam hasphysical benefits when older.

This study further strengthens the results of previous studies which have shown that higher education can help provide protection or against end-stage symptoms of an illness on the person.

In conducting this study, researchers from the University of Gothenburg in analyzing thepatient's spinal fluid to check for signs of dementia in the brain.

"We wanted to investigate how education can have an impact on a disease or the early stages of dementia. Based on this study found patients with higher education levels, able to tolerate more diseases in the brain and prevent the onset of dementia," said Dr.Sindre Rolstad, a psychologist Sweden, as quoted from Dailymail, Thursday(03/06/2010).

In this study also found that highly educated patients had no risk of dementia showedsigns of better neural function in the brain, compared with lower educated people.

"These findings mean that higher education is not only able to tolerate more diseases in the brain, but also able to sustain a bit of nerve damage that occurs during the early stages of this disease," said Dr. Rostland.

These results indicate that higher education can delay the progression of symptoms of dementia and other diseases.

Disease or known as senile dementia is a condition indicating a progressivedeterioration of memory and intellectual processes of the brain. This condition is usuallycharacterized by symptoms of forgetfulness that can disrupt daily activities.

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