Sabtu, 10 September 2011

Terpapar Matahari Berbuah Sindrom Sunstroke

Perhaps someone more familiar with the disease because of the cold or hypothermia.But make no mistake, not just the cold that makes sick, exposed to sunlight or excessive heat (hipertemia) also can get sunstroke syndrome.
Sunstroke this syndrome can make a person could no longer feel the cold because it always felt his own body heat.
If this condition is not treated immediately, it could turn into a threatening and dangerous conditions for the person. Therefore one must recognize the symptoms of anything that marks this condition.
The human body consists of a thermostat that can regulate body temperature variations by controlling the heat supply from outside the body.
However, if excessive heat is received, then the body's cooling system can fail to work and it is this which cause sunstroke syndrome.
As quoted from eHow, Thursday (03/06/2010) a person who had sunstroke syndrome condition will have symptoms:
Sweating more than usual until it no longer sweating due to dehydration.The skin will look red, dry and hotAgency started shivering a little.
If these conditions continue to cause increased heart rate that makes a person dizzy, difficulty breathing, convulsions and even unconscious.
Before sunstroke syndrome arises, someone will feel the heat in the body that trigger fatigue and abdominal pain.
If this condition occurs you should immediately stop all activity and directly consume cold drinks or can go to a cool place and cool. Because if not handled promptly can result in organ damage and even cause death.
A person who is under the scorching sun for several hours without adequate fluid intake prone to this syndrome.
This condition can happen to anyone of any age, weight and gender. People who have the ideal body shape does not necessarily have a high immunity against this syndrome.
To avoid this condition, you should wear appropriate clothing for the summer, and try to consume a glass of water every hour if it should be somewhere hot for a long time and did not consume alcohol.

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